If you have been injured by – magnetic balls that are color coated and sold as toys. you are not alone. You may have a case against MAXFIELD & OBERTON HOLDINGS LLC but you should speak to a lawyer if you are wanting to file a claim. The following is an incident that caused injury to a consumer and was reported.

Description of what happened:
13 year old female presented to the emergency room yesterday evening following a foreign body ingestion. She had been playing with 2 [magnet sets] given to her by a friend and displayed the circular magnets on her lower lip as a piercing. She attempted to remove the circular magnets off her lower lip and accidentally ingested them. She had some difficulty swallowing following the incident and was unable to expel contents by vomiting. She did not realize the [magnet sets] were magnetic and potentially dangerous when ingested until she heard from a friend’s mother the need for urgent surgery after ingestion by her daughter. She was evaluated with abdominal xrays in the emergency room yesterday night. Her abdominal xrays showed the two circular magnets stuck together and located in her jejunum. She was discharged home with any interventions overnight given location the circular magnets and the fact that she was asymptomatic.She had a repeat xray and an evaluation by Pediatric GI office this morning. Her repeat xray showed the two circular magnets still stuck together and located in her distal small bowel . Well appearing and asymptomatic this morning, no need for endoscopic or surgical intervention at this point. She will hopefully pass the balls out in her stool over the weekend otherwise she will need repeat xays on monday.

Who makes/sells this product?

Brand / Model Name or Number
Bucky Balls / 

The victim here was a Female who was 13 years old.

If you or a family member have also been injured by – magnetic balls that are color coated and sold as toys. you may have a case. Fill out a free case evaluation request today.