If you have been injured by Disney Princess pogo stick by Bravo Sports you are not alone. You may have a case against BRAVO SPORTS but you should speak to a lawyer if you are wanting to file a claim. The following is an incident that caused injury to a consumer and was reported.

Description of what happened:
My daughter fell on a pogo Stick by Bravo Sports. She is 8 years old and was gravely injured by this pogo stick. Two teeth were knocked in and she suffered lacerations to the face, the loss of blood caused her to go into shock and breifely faint. We have large medical bills of and Bravo Sports has not paid one penny to help our family. We were forced to hire an attorney.

Who makes/sells this product?

Brand / Model Name or Number
Disney / Disney Princess pogo stick 141672

The victim here was a Female who was 8 years old.

If you or a family member have also been injured by Disney Princess pogo stick by Bravo Sports you may have a case. Fill out a free case evaluation request today.