If you have been injured by the Baby Trend Jogging Stroller Model # : 9118A you are not alone. You may have a case against BABY TREND, INC but you should speak to a lawyer if you are wanting to file a claim. The following is an incident that caused injury to a consumer and was reported.

Description of what happened:
While walking on a city paved trail in Antioch, CA I started to jog while pushing our BabyTrend Jogging stroller. The front tire of the stroller came off and the stroller nose dived into the pavement. The baby in the stroller was 9 months old and fully strapped in using the provided 5 point harness. He remained in the stroller seat while the stroller flipped over. My husband in order to not fall on the baby jumped over the stroller and fell hurting his back and elbow. He went to the emergency room. The baby was shooken up but not injured. We have contacted the Baby Trend company in regards to the incident but they refused to help us in any way. We asked for compensation for the 2 days that I had to take off due to the accident and a new stroller. They refused to help at all.

Who makes/sells this product?

Brand / Model Name or Number
Baby Trend / 9118A/ Lot: 1010 / Quantity: 0230

The victim here was a Male who was 29 years old.

If you or a family member have also been injured by Baby Trend Jogging Stroller Model # : 9118A you may have a case. Fill out a free case evaluation request today.